Build better mitochondria for a longer, healthier, stronger life with Urolithin A
An easy and safe way to get the research-based dose of urolithin A you need for robust mitochondrial function, increased muscle strength & endurance, and a lower risk of inflammation, chronic disease, and early death.

Why should you care about mitophagy?
Imagine the potent, sweet-tart taste of pomegranates and raspberries and the earthy deliciousness of chestnuts and walnuts

These foods contain the healing phytonutrient ellagitannin
Under the right conditions*, your good gut bugs transform this nutrient into a well-researched substance currently gaining attention from top scientists…
Urolithin A
Now, there’s a more direct way to benefit from this dynamic compound.
Research shows that Urolithin A optimizes mitophagy
“The natural postbiotic Urolithin A has been shown to promote mitophagy, mitochondrial function, and improved muscle function across species in different experimental models and across multiple [human] clinical studies.”
Study after study reveals Urolithin A’s powerful ability to send specific signals to your mitochondria for improved mitophagy, overall mitochondrial function, and a more energetic, youthful, and resilient YOU.
*Only 40% of people can create their own urolithin a
A 2022 Swiss study found that only 40% of participants had a microbiome that could convert pomegranate juice to urolithin A!
Is your gut up to the task?
Unfortunately, there’s not an easy way to test your conversion ability.
are you one of the millions who's missing out on urolithin A's full-body benefits due to barriers such as:
- Not consuming adequate amounts of ellagitannin-rich foods such as chestnuts, walnuts, pomegranate, raspberries, strawberries, and pecans
- Metabolic syndrome
- Obesity
- Low-fiber diet
- Frequent use of antibiotics
- Chronic stress
- Overconsumption of alcohol
- Gut dysbiosis
"Not everyone has a microbiome capable of producing urolithin a, making supplementation... an appealing strategy."
Fig. 2. Prevalence of UA producer status in the studied American population.

Subjects were categorized into three producer groups based on circulating UA glucuronide levels: non-producers (no detectable levels), low producers (<100 ng/mL UA glucuronide), or high producers (≥ 100 ng/mi. UA glucuronide). A At baseline only 12% subjects had detectable levels of UA glucuronide in circulation with only 2% subjects classified as high producers. B Six hours following dietary challenge with PJ approx. 28% subjects had detectable levels of UA glucuronide, with only 4% subjects high producers. C One day (T24 hours) after the PJ intake, approx. 40% of subjects had become high converters, whereas 60% still converted poorly or failed to convert the dietary precursors to UA.
If you think your gut isn’t up to the task, supplementation with Urolithin A can provide the many positive impacts you’ve read about along with direct support for your gut health
Live longer and stronger
One to two capsules of urolithin a provide you with the amounts shown in human research to:
- Enhance mitochondrial health, function, and mitophagy (clearing out old and damaged mitochondria)
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 88 people (2:1 female-to-male ratio) in their early 50s by Singh et al. found that 4 months of supplementation with 500 milligrams of urolithin A most significantly induced protein pathways connected to mitophagy (Parkin-mediated ubiquitin and proteasomal systems). This pathway contains enzymes required for the breakdown and removal of damaged mitochondria and associated proteins. 1,000 mg of urolithin A was more impactful in improving mitochondrial metabolism due to the upregulation of proteins related to the mitochondrial tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, fatty acid oxidation, electron transport chain (ECT), and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). The researchers validated these findings with further in vitro testing (targeted western blot analysis on muscle biopsy samples taken from study participants) and stated that the findings “support the proteomics data indicating that UA activates PINK1/Parkin-mediated mitophagy in the human skeletal muscle.” Finally, they report that urolithin A supplementation led to a mild increase in muscle mitochondrial content.
- Improve muscle strength, endurance, and VO2max in young, middle-aged, and older adults
The Singh et al. study also found that 4 months of supplementation with either 500 or 1,000 milligrams of urolithin A led to statistically significant increases in leg muscle strength and a 4% increase in peak power output, while the higher dose group experienced increases in V02max, a 15% increase in cycling distance, and increases in walking distance and gait speed. The authors state the increase in walking distance was particularly impressive: “Distance traveled increased by a mean of 33.43 m. This is noteworthy, as such distance exceeds current estimates for clinically important differences in older adults (>30 m),” meaning that older adults begin to experience changes that noticeably improve their quality of life when they’re capable of walking distances that meet or exceed 30 meters. Additionally, time to fatigue increased while perceived exertion decreased in both dosage groups.
- Reduce Inflammation and improve immune health
- Slow skeletal muscle catabolism (the breakdown of muscle protein)
An 8-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study by Zhao et al. conducted on 20 resistance-trained male athletes found that 1,000 mg of urolithin A taken daily led to decreases in 3-methylhistidine, an amino acid metabolite excreted via urine indicative of increased skeletal muscle protein breakdown.
- Boost “good” HDL cholesterol levels
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial conducted on 10 patients with heart failure, 500 milligrams of urolithin A was given twice per day for 4 weeks. Serum HDL-C levels were increased by 6.46 mg/dL with UA compared to placebo.
“...the urolithin A group exhibited superior performance enhancements in Maximum Voluntary Isometric Contraction (MVIC) and repetitions to failure (RTF) compared to the placebo group.”

*/** Significant difference (p<0.05).
- Reduce levels of oxidative stress
- Decrease inflammatory markers
The 2022 Singh et al. study also found that both 500 and 1,000 mg of urolithin A reduced plasma C-reactive protein (CRP), an inflammatory biomarker associated with biological aging, high BMI, and moderate to high risk of age-related chronic disease. Pro-inflammatory immune cytokines such as IFN-γ, IL-1β, and TNF-α were also reduced.
The Zhao et al. study conducted on 20 resistance-trained male athletes also found that 1,000 mg of urolithin A taken daily led to decreases in CRP and IL-6 compared to placebo.
- Possibly protect the brain from age-related atrophy
- Amplify the loss of adipose tissue, especially belly fat, and balance blood sugar
The DIRECT-PLUS study also examined participants’ adipose tissue via MRI and found that higher urinary urolithin A was significantly associated with greater visceral adipose tissue loss, the type of fat linked to metabolic dysfunction, heart disease, and some cancers.
A prospective, randomized, controlled, parallel-designed, 12-week interventional feeding trial of 50 adults with at least three characteristics of metabolic syndrome found that 30 grams per day of mixed nuts (approximately 2 Tbsp) led to an increase in urolithin A. In this study, urolithin A was significantly inversely correlated with abdominal adiposity and impaired glycemic control, meaning as urolithin A increased, waist circumference lessened, and glycemic control improved.
- Possibly support men with prostate cancer
In a randomized placebo-controlled trial of 29 men with localized prostate cancer, participants were given either 1000 milligrams of pomegranate fruit extract per day for 12 months or placebo resulting in significant increases in urine and plasma urolithin A in the pomegranate group. Those given pomegranate fruit extract experienced reductions in 8-OHdG, a marker of DNA damage, and androgen receptor expression in their prostate tumors.
A double-blind, randomized study of 70 men with prostate cancer found that two daily tablets of pomegranate extract for four weeks before radical prostatectomy. Urolithin A was found in 21 of the 33 patients in the pomegranate group versus 12 of 35 in the placebo group, and while it did not reach statistical significance, those in the pomegranate group had a 16% lower benign tissue 8-OHdG versus placebo.
- Optimize vascular function and minimize cardiometabolic risk
- Deaccelerate biological aging and prolong healthspan
The DIRECT-PLUS study calculated the biological aging epigenetic clocks of 256 participants with abdominal obesity or dyslipidemia both before and after the study. Adherence to the Green-MED diet, resulting in increased levels of urolithin A, was inversely associated with biological aging. The authors state, “To the best of our knowledge, this is the first clinical trial to indicate a potential link between polyphenol intake, urine polyphenols, and biological aging.”
A systematic review of five studies including 250 healthy individuals taking 10 to 1,000 milligrams of urolithin A per day for 28 days to 4 months found dose-dependent anti-inflammatory effects, upregulated mitochondrial genes, autophagy markers, and fatty acid oxidation, along with increases in muscle strength and endurance, all signs of increased healthspan, i.e., a longer span of functional health into your older years versus disability.
Your mitochondria might benefit from Urolithin A if…
- You experience frequent low energy or fatigue
- You’re foggy, forgetful, or misremember even cherished memories
- You feel muscle weakness, loss of strength, or less endurance ability
- You notice more fat and less muscle on your stomach, shoulders, and legs
- You’re under chronic stress from your career, training, or a family situation
- Your joints and tendons are painful and achy
You want…
- To stay strong and do what you love into old age
- Balanced blood lipids, a healthy heart, and an optimized cardiovascular system
- Superior metabolism and to never hear your doctor say “prediabetes”
- A sharp brain that allows you to keep learning and evolving
- Strong bones and muscles that help you avoid age-related falls and disability
- To live an active, independent life
how can two capsules of urolithin a accomplish so much?
Where the immune system, mitochondria, and microbiome meet.
Urolithin A creates a therapeutic cross-talk between your immune system, mitochondria, and microbiome.
Urolithin A works as a diverse biochemical signaler that enhances your body's own immune, mitochondrial, and microbial functions
Learn more about the research behind Urolithin A:
- Activates the PINK1/Parkin mitochondrial quality control pathway— optimizes your energy, metabolism, and cell function
- Stimulates the Nrf2-ARE signaling pathway that leads to the production of potent internal antioxidants— defends you from brain fog, fatigue, and other signs of aging
- Supports the expression of glutathione S-transferases, phase 2 detoxification enzymes— shields your mitochondria from oxidative stress and helps you release harmful toxins
- Downregulates pro-inflammatory immune compounds such as C-reactive protein— guards against inflammation in your metabolic, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal systems
- Positively impacts the microbiome and intestinal lining— may increase microbial diversity and intestinal lining health and function

"But I've tried other supplements that didn't work..."
Unlike generic supplements, urolithin A works at the cellular level, activating your body’s natural renewal processes. This isn’t about masking symptoms – it’s about supporting your cellular “power plants” (mitochondria) that generate the energy your body needs. The research is clear: at the precise dose in our formula, urolithin A helps your cells perform their natural cleaning and renewal processes, supporting the kind of sustained energy and vitality you may have thought was lost to time.

Your Cells Are Waiting For Support - Don't Wait Another Day
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Right now, your cells are either struggling with declining energy production or getting the support they need for optimal function. Every day without proper mitochondrial support is another day of missed opportunity for cellular renewal.
As a functional medicine doctor, I’ve seen the difference that targeted cellular support can make in my patients’ lives. That’s why I’m offering a risk-free opportunity to experience urolithin A’s benefits for yourself:
Don’t let another day go by without giving your cells the support they need. Join thousands of others who have already discovered the difference that optimal cellular health can make.
Take Action Now: Secure Your Supply of Urolithin A Today
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All References
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